Sometimes Going to Work Feels Like a Vacation

Today I "worked from home," which is not an accurate statement at all. I love my work from home days, but I was spending 16 hours trying to get 5 hours worth of work done. The solution? I've been working 12-hour days at the office on Monday and Tuesday and we've hired a sitter to come to the house from 6am-10am on Wednesdays. That way, in the not-so-rare instance that nothing more happens in terms of actual work after 10am, it's not the end of the world. I finish out the week working 8am-4:30pm on Thursdays and working from home on Fridays, meaning I monitor emails as I am able while Finn is awake and I work while he is asleep.

Why I Work (Part Two)

It was one of those mornings when your alarm goes off and you think “already?” Finn had been up most of the night with a stuffy nose from teething. He couldn’t breathe laying flat, so I held him upright for the majority of the night and laid him in his crib just in time to fall asleep and have the alarm go off a few minutes later. I got ready quickly and quietly while he was still asleep. He woke up just in time for us to leave looking well rested and happy, of course. When I got to work one of my co-workers glanced strangely at my shoulder and said, “Um, I think you have something on your shirt.” Yep. Crusted green snot. 

Why I Work

Let me start by saying I am incredibly blessed to have an employer who genuinely cares about me and my family. I had a very hard time going back to work after twelve weeks of maternity leave. I went back gradually, one day the first week, two days the next week, and so on. Nonetheless, after the first two months, I knew I was on the fast track to burnout from a career I truly loved before having a baby.