One Month Into the Build
The blog hasn't been getting much of my attention lately. Not for lack of things to write about, actually the opposite. There's so much going on I don't know where to start.
Tagged with: mom humor
The blog hasn't been getting much of my attention lately. Not for lack of things to write about, actually the opposite. There's so much going on I don't know where to start.
I am admittedly a HUGE control freak. I think having Finn was God's way of showing me just how much I really need Him because there is nothing more unpredictable than a newborn.
If you know me, I'm pretty open about the fact that having our first baby was a bit rough for me at first. When I say a bit rough, I mean I was an emotional wreck. I am sure I looked like a wreck too, but I honestly don't remember most of the first two months and I avoided pictures like the ...