Headaches, Dishes and Stretch Marks

I have to share the most recent uses we've found for a few of our essential oils. I work from home two days a week, Wednesday and Friday. Last Wednesday was not my most successful work from home day…one fifteen minute task took a total of six hours to complete. Finn is teething and only wants to be held, so work was just simply not going to happen while he was up. By noon I had a raging headache, one where I normally wouldn't have hesitated to take 800 milligrams of Tylenol. Instead, I decided to give my Peppermint oil a try.

What's up with Essential Oils?

I had heard about essential oils at various events several times over the last few years, figured it was some new age fad and didn't give it a second thought. The only medication I took on a regular basis was an over-the-counter allergy pill. I told myself there was a lot worse I could be doing and didn't think much about it again...Until I had a baby. All of a sudden it mattered what I was putting in Finn's body. It didn't hit me how much it mattered until I gave him his first dose of infant Tylenol.