Hold Your Breath, it's Tax Season

We have a love/hate relationship with taxes. The first year we were married we came out about even. The second year we owed $7,000. The third we overcompensated for the prior year by paying in extra on every paycheck at every job (Zac averages four jobs at all times) and got a $7,000 return.

The Last Card

Our family has been on a debt reduction journey this year. It started with the Financial Peace University Home Study Kit. We watched the nine video lessons in January of 2014 and decided to quit dating our debt snowball and really commit.

Sell Yo Stuff

I'm not saying be a minimalist, but seriously, we had so much stuff.

This past summer we decided to do a major de-cluttering of our house, and I was astonished at how much crap we had stored in places we forgot existed. I had an entire Rubbermaid bin full of purses stashed in the far corner of the crawl space. Upon opening this bin I was immediately reminded that I absolutely cannot live without these purses! (Even though I had been for two whole years... amazing how that happens.)  

Using a Budget to get out of Debt

Since I posted What does debt have to do with it? I've gotten a lot of questions on how we were able to pay off $16,094 worth of debt in six months. The short answer: a lot of long hours, cheap dates, and no vacations or splurge spending. The long answer: we budget every week, use cash, cut expenses, and find ways to save on EVERYTHING.